Bollywood magic to come to Coventry


City chosen as location for Indian movie

A PRESTIGIOUS film production company in India has chosen the city of Coventry as the location for its next movie.

Bosses at Rajshri Productions in Mumbai have visited the city on several occasions and liked what they saw so much that a majority of their filming in the UK will be based at Coventry University and around the city centre.

“This is a wonderful opportunity for the University to showcase itself internationally,” said Professor Jill Journeaux, Coventry University’s Dean of the School of Art and Design (CSAD).

“The producers were very complimentary about our facilities and impressed that a majority of the locations they wanted to film at were situated on or around the campus.

“It is something totally new to us but exciting at the same time. We have also managed to secure some work for our media students. They will be able to work on the film in a variety of roles and gain excellent first-hand experience of the film industry.”

The storyline for the film is about a young Japanese student who comes to the University to study automotive design. He meets a young Indian student who is studying fashion and they both fall in love.

Professor Journeaux added: “Because we offer both of these courses and have got wonderful facilities, the film company knew as soon as they saw what we had to offer that this was the location for them. With audiences in the hundreds of millions seeing Coventry University in all of its glory, I think we can expect a lot of international interest once the film airs.”

Filming will take place in March and April 2009.

Established in 1947, Rajshri is among India’s oldest and largest entertainment conglomerates. Having produced 50 Hindi films and distributed scores, Rajshri is synonymous with wholesome, musical family entertainment. 


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