First Sikh MP To Wear Turban in the Commons


Tan Dhesi has received praise for being the first Sikh MP to wear a turban in the House of Commons. The 38-year-old’s successful election in Slough was celebrated by the local Asian community and even as far as his family’s village in the Punjab, where villagers and locals danced in celebration.

Dhesi, who speaks six languages, said: “British Sikhs and Sikhs worldwide have high expectations. If you say something improper, I don’t want to do anything that would [make them] hang their head in shame.

“While that’s important… I’m a Labour MP, I’m there on a Labour manifesto, I’m there for Labour values and Labour ideals.”

July brought with it sun, blue skies and the annual Mela weekend. 70,000 people gathered together in Victoria Park, Smethwick, for the Zee Sandwell and Birmingham Mela.

Headlined by the three Waris Brothers from Canada, the mela was the biggest travelling fun fair in the UK and featured everything from British, Indian, Mexican, Italian and more food stalls, to clothes, arts and crafts, funfair rides, live music and entertainment, games and more.

Danny Singh, the Event Director for the Mela who has been running it for the past seven years, said: “It is a South Asian themed festival to which everybody is invited.

“We have been working to get people from other communities to come and sample the atmosphere. There is a lot going on with great entertainment offering families to enjoy quality time together. We have not had any trouble while I have been director.

“It is a great opportunity for people to come together to strengthen community cohesion. This has become increasingly apparent year after year and tells the lie of those who claim a wedge is being driven between different communities in this country.”

The event was attended by families and friends from different communities, whether Asian, white or black The security supervisor Paul Hockey said, “With all the atrocities that are going on in the world at the moment it is wonderful to see people from different backgrounds coming to the same event and getting on so well. It is a fantastic sight that restores your faith in human nature.”




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