Backseat Baby!


Mother Gives Birth in Car

A father was left holding his baby when his wife gave birth to their fourth child – in the backseat of their car whilst on the way to the hospital.


Zabir Hussain was driving his wife, Madia, to Birmingham’s City Hospital after she went into labour at their home.


The hospital was just 10 minutes from their home in Smethwick.


Zabir was driving the couples Mercedes E-Class, when their baby boy, Huzaifah, arrived on route.


However, the calm father received advice over the phone by the hospital on how to look after his wife and newborn.


 “It all happened so quickly,” said Zabir. “My wife was having pains at home, and so we got into the car to go to hospital. But it became obvious quite quickly that she wasn’t going to make it.


“I was on the phone to the hospital, and they said I could pull over and wait for an ambulance or keep driving and they would be waiting for us. They were instructing me on the phone what to do.


“I knew I had to stay calm and get my wife to the hospital as quickly as possible. I was a bit panicked, but it was a magical moment really.


“There is no feeling in the world like it. We were shocked because the baby wasn’t due for another few weeks, so at first we thought it might be a false alarm.

“We certainly didn’t expect him to arrive during the journey!”


Huzaifah, who weighed a healthy 7lbs 9oz, joins big sisters Amina, 10, Aliyah, nine and brother Eesaa.


“It was a lot quicker than any of my other pregnancies,” said mum, Madia.


“I was a little bit panicked, but I wasn’t scared. I knew that I was in good hands with my husband.”


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