The search is underway to find England’s Curry Capital, an award that celebrates the English city with the best curry offering.

The title recognises the city that demonstrates cultural diversity in its dishes and actively promotes and champions the curry industry. Voting is open until midnight on Friday, May 31.

The winner will be announced by mid June at a special event hosted by Pukaar Group, an independent news agency based in Leicester. The victorious city will hold the title for two years, after which other cities can be nominated and the public will be invited to vote again.

History of the Competition

The original competition was established by the late Peter Grove, who passed away in 2016. Grove was passionate about England’s love for curry and aimed to highlight its culture and cuisine. Over its 15-year history, five cities were named “Curry Capital”: Bradford (the last city to hold the title in 2016), Glasgow, Leicester, Birmingham and West London.

Pukaar Group has revived the competition as an online event, continuing Grove’s mission to champion, highlight and crown the city deserving of the title ‘England’s Curry Capital’.

“Curry is one of the great prides of our nation and despite its challenges, the curry industry continues to grow year after year,” said Romail Gulzar, founder of Pukaar Group.

“Our city has some of the finest curry on offer and I’m excited to launch this search in the hope of bringing the crown back to Leicester.”

Curry lovers have been voting since last May, and there are just two days left to have your say.

To cast your vote now and help decide which city will take the crown, visit:


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