10K Tax Credit fraud leads to Jail for Leicester mum


Amritpal Kaur Hare jailed for nine months

A LEICESTER mum who falsely claimed thousands of pounds in tax credits is starting a nine month prison sentence.

Amritpal Kaur Hare pocketed nearly £10,000 after claming she was a lone parent when she claimed child tax credits from 2004 to 2009.

The 33-year-old of Gipsy Road, Leicester was in fact living with her partner, Sakti Raj Kataria, who she alleged was her landlord. This false claim meant she received a higher level of benefit to which she was entitled.

Her scam was unravelled following a joint investigation by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and Leicester City Council.

She was jailed for nine months at Leicester Crown Court after pleading guilty to offences under the Tax Credits Act 2002.

Her partner Sakti Raj Kataria, 38, of Leyton Road, Handsworth, Birmingham, pleaded guilty to offences of falsifying documents to assist Hare in the fraud.

He was sentenced to six months in prison, suspended for 2 years and ordered to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work.

Adrian Farley, Assistant Director of Investigation, for HM Revenue & Customs, said individuals who are committing tax credits fraud are “exploiting their children for purely personal gain.”

He said: “The successful outcome of this latest prosecution clearly shows how we are tackling the ruthless theft of money from the public purse. Money which is needed to fund public services for the benefit of everyone. This case sends a clear and firm message to those falsely claiming tax credits, or to anyone considering such a fraud.

“Those involved in this form of crime are exploiting their children for purely personal gain.”


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