Murder victim died from stab wound


Police appeal for movements of murder victim Nazir Taj Sheikh prior to attack

DETECTIVES investigating the murder of a Leicester man are appealing for public help in tracing the victim’s movements before he was killed.

Mr Nazir Taj Sheikh, 36, was stabbed following an incident in the St Saviour’s Road area of Leicester at about 3.48pm on Monday March 8.

A post mortem examination concluded that he died from a single stab wound.

Officers investigating the murder are particularly keen to trace Mr Sheikh’s movements prior to the incident taking place.

Superintendent Craig Moore is leading the enquiry, he said: “We believe that the victim was involved in an incident on St Saviour’s Road, near the alleyway which leads to Grove Road, and then collapsed in Grove Road. 

“I urge anyone who hasn’t already contacted the police to get in touch if they were in St Saviours Road between 3.30pm and 3.50pm on Monday (March 8), even if you didn’t see anything we need to speak to you to eliminate you from our enquiries.

“Mr Sheikh was very well known in the area and I am appealing to anyone who saw him prior to the incident to contact us.  Any information no matter how small could help with our enquiries.”

Anyone with any information is asked to contact the Operation Remedy incident room on Leicester (0116) 222 2222.  Alternatively, contact Crimestoppers, which is free* and anonymous, on 0800 555 111.


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