Teenager’s Poem for Haiti


Birmingham teen urges Britain to continue support for earthquake victims

A BIRMINGHAM teenager moved by the suffering of victims of the Haiti earthquake has written a special poem urging the people of Britain to continue supporting those in need.

17-year-old Shazia Parveen was so moved by the disaster last month that she put her writing skills into action.

The talented teenager’s poem has been picked up and released through aid agency Christian Aid who have sourced and distributed relief items to the victims of the earthquake.

Speaking to The Asian Today, Shazia said: “I was on the train a few days ago and overheard this conversation these two women were having about them feeling like people should be giving up on Haiti as there was nothing they could do. The comments made me angry and inspired me to write this poem”.

Since the devastating earthquake and aftershocks hit Haiti in the early hours of January 11, Christian Aid and its partner organisations have sourced and distributed relief items including food parcels, hygiene and baby kits, tents, blankets, medical supplies, cash and clothing for more than 16,500 people.

Over a month since the disaster, the agency is starting to look towards long-term rebuilding and rehabilitation work.



Shazia Parveen


Memories of what happened that day

Are more than likely to stay-

But don’t let fear take your joy away!!


When you wake up in the morning the sun will still be giving out light,

And the moon will still be there when you look into the sky at night

Life around the world will continue,

But how your life destines is down to you.

It is hard we understand,

But we will all lend a helping hand!


Together we can re-build your city,

But things will never be the way they used to be,

Because memories of that day will always be there,

But always remember we care!


We can’t feel your hurt or pain,

But we can cover you when it rains.

So when you don’t know what you’re here for,

And feel like you can’t go on anymore,

Remember it will get better

but right now the pain is still raw.

Never forget you all have a purpose here,

And you will make it far in life,

But remember to fight that fear!


And when you feel like you can’t cope,

Dig deep and find hope!

So don’t forget about those in Haiti just because it’s not front page,

Continue to have that fighting rage,

We can’t ignore what’s going on,

What if it was your mother, father, daughter or son?

They are helpless but we have a voice,

We can help them but it’s our choice!


WE can Make a difference and make a stand,

By giving them a helping hand.

Just don’t give up and quit,

If we come together we can make it!


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