Drug dealer ordered to pay proceeds of crimes


Mohibur Rehman told to pay £51,699 or face 18 month increase on sentence

A DRUG dealer jailed earlier this year has been told to pay over £50,000 from the proceeds of his crimes or face an extended sentence.

Mohibur Rehman from Nelson was sentenced to four years in prison in April this year for possession of diamorphine and cannabis with intent to supply. 

He was arrested last July following a search of his car by police officers. More than £5,000 was also found in his home.

Rehman now faces an extended sentence if he fails to pay over £50,000 from the proceeds of his crimes.

He was brought before Burnley Crown Court today where he was ordered by Judge Butler to repay a total of £51,699 within six months

If he fails to pay, Rehman was told his sentence would increase by a further 18 months and he would still owe the money on his release.

“It is likely Rahman will have to sell his house and his new BMW car to meet the forfeiture order.” a Financial Investigator for Lancashire Constabulary said.

“The robust use we are making of these powers is having a real impact on the individuals targeted. In most cases the main motivation of criminals is financial gain and therefore this is an area in which we can hit the criminal hardest.”


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