Jaz Dhami: Creating a Storm


Sunny Sahota talks to Jaz Dhami

RINGING an innovative breath of fresh air back into today’s seemingly mundane Bhangra genre, Jaz Dhami is a new talent who is gearing up to take the Bhangra industry by storm.

Birmingham born Jaz has spent a lifetime learning and perfecting his raw talents to unleash his eagerly anticipated album in the New Year. The album needs only a 2 word introduction: Undeniably Exceptional.

Jaz has music practically running through his veins – his farther was part of a successful Midlands Bhangra band in the 80’s which paved Jaz’s career goal as he worked towards following in his fathers footsteps.

However Jaz’s journey into the Bhangra industry has not been overnight, Jaz has spent much of his youth travelling to and from India and the UK perfecting his trade, which has enabled him to create a mixture of authentic eastern and modern western, musical flavours which has instigated the formation of his own unique sound.

With a degree under his belt from Liverpool’s exceptionally elite school of music established by the legendary Paul McCartney, a further degree from India as well as a stint at London College Jaz has been busy building the foundations of his musical career.

Added to this juxtaposition Jaz has also been trained by the hugely talented Ajit Singh Mutlashi Ji, Professor Harj Dev Ji as well as playback singer Jaishree Shivram Ji which has added the edge to Jaz’s harmonic voice and his creative genius.

Jaz took time out of his schedule to talk to DesiXpress about himself and the future of the rising star.


You have had a lot of training and studying in the music genre – what is your motivation to keep you going?

Yes I have had a fair bit of education and training which has really enabled me to perfect my talents as both a singer and a musician. I have been fortunate to work with an array of fantastic teachers from both the UK and India who have really helped me achieve my full potential which I am thankful for.

Music is my life and I have had a dream from a real early age that I would become a successful artist and musician which has been the key motivation to keep me going. My family especially my father has been really supportive in my career as well as my uncle Amar Haldipur Ji and auntie Jaishree Shivram Ji who has taken me under her wing when I was in Mumbai which really helped me to stay focused. 


You have spent a lot of your time in India and you have a degree from their too. What was that like been a UK born Asian studying and living in India?

Yeah it was a bit difficult at first to get into the lifestyle change but my time over there really helped me grow both personally and musically. Mumbai especially is really modernised and so it was pretty easy to get into the feel of the city as you have places like Nando’s and McDonald’s around which kind of helps in making you feel more at home. Studying over there was a fantastic experience which really helped me get to grips with the true essence of Punjabi/Hindi music which was amazing. Obviously it was a bit difficult at times as I missed my friends and family from the UK but I learned a great deal which I have managed to infuse in my music.


The music industry is a bit congested at the moment with a number of new artists coming out. What makes you different from the rest?

It’s hard really to answer that question as I think that everyone out there at the moment has their strengths and I respect them in what they are doing. But as for me I think that I have a lot to offer to the industry as I really thrive on making music – it’s my life. I have worked really hard in trying to perfect my singing voice and learn an array of musical instruments from the piano, Harmonium and I’m now learning to play guitar which I think gives me that added edge. I want to be respected in the industry as an authentic talent and I hope that I will be able to portray this in my music.


You have a new album out next year. What can we expect from it?

My album at the moment is untitled as I am still in the process of thinking of a name which captures the essence and the feel of it. The album is a mixture of Desi, Hindi, Uk Bhangra and romantic songs which tries to sum up my taste in music. It also has a real infusion of both eastern and western music as that is what I have been brought up on.


What else is in the pipeline for Jaz Dhami?

Well I am busy at the moment adding the final touches to the album and performing up and down the country. I am also just planning to shoot a video with Ballistics for the song Roj Miliye which I am really looking forward to. Ballistics are really talented and with their input I am really confident that I will be able to make a video which will be a real show stopper and a little different.


Finally Jaz what is your ultimate professional ambition?

That’s a difficult question. But I will have to say I would love to become an established Playback singer and hopefully return to Mumbai and make a real living out of it. I love the whole Bollywood vibe as I was brought up on listening to the soundtracks and watching the movies that would be my ultimate goal. Obviously I would like to make an impact on the Bhangra scene too and be recognised as a great artist and musician.


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