Coventry duo scaling new heights for orphaned kids

A COVENTRY businessman is spearheading a quest to raise more than £10,000 for charity by urging people to visit social networking website Facebook.

23-year-old Coventry entrepreneur Riz Navsarka has set up a Facebook group in response to cousin Haroon Mota’s quest to scale the heights of K2 for charity this Autumn.

Riz, director of the cosmetic coloured contact lens company MesmerEyez, originally donated £500 to Haroon for the challenge who has so far raised a staggering £3,500 for orphaned children around the world.

In an attempt to push the figure closer to the £10,000 mark, Riz has now created a ‘I love MesmerEyez’ group on Facebook where he will donate 5p for every person who joins the group this month.

“I believe no mountain is high enough. When I set myself a goal, I achieve

It”, Riz said.

“It is that positive, enthusiastic mind set coupled with my determination to keep grounded and keep close to my roots that has got me where I am. It is that same mind set that will allow Haroon to get the top of K2; I support his cause 100%”.

Coventry University graduate Riz is one of the city’s youngest entrepreneurs having set up his company at the age of 19.

Aside from running his business he spends much of his time helping his local community. Earlier this year he began working with a Warwick University project that encourages business enterprise skills amongst local people.

Riz also mentors Warwick University students who consult start up and failing businesses.


To view Riz’s special fundraising Facebook page Click Here



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