Virat Kohli Painting Sold for £2.9M

Cricket artwork sold at charity ball to indian businesswoman

Kohli and artist Sacha afront the artwork. Source: Virat Kohli Instagram

Sports superstar Virat Kohli has successfully sold a painting for a staggering £2.9million. The cricket themed artwork was bought by one lucky buyer, UK entrepreneur Poonam Gupta.

The painting went up for sale during the Virat Kohli Charity Ball on June 5th 2017. The large and colourful piece was created by artist Sacha Jafri and depicts Kohli’s IPL journey over the last decade. Perhaps most tantalising to members of the cricket fanclub is that it also contains Kohli’s handprints, plus those of fellow sporting heroes Ben Stokes and Sachin Tendulkar.

Gupta is the founder and owner of PG Paper Company, an environmentally conscious organisation which focuses on reusing waste products. The Delhi-born now Scots-woman said:

“What I like about this young generation of Indian cricketers is that they are responsible and want to make difference on and off the field. I am very connected to the cause taken up by Virat.

“Slavery has no place in this world and we need to stand up and do our bit. I am glad Virat has come forward against this evil and by buying this magnificent piece of art created by my favourite artist [Sacha Jafri], I tick two boxes.

“I take a rare masterpiece to my home and also help this noble cause in my own way.”

Source: Sacha Jafri Instagram


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