Exclusive Interviews with Kiran Rai at India Fashion Week London


being known as a super model and award winning actor isn’t enough for 24 year old Kiran Rai who presented at the India fashion week in the Excel and interviewed top Mumbai fashion designers as well as all the super model’s backstage and Anushka Arora from BBC Asian Network.

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As someone who suffers from great anxiety, Kiran said “It’s fun but I had so many headaches because the noise was constantly playing and lights were shining and flashing in your face. I liked Anushka and she was extremely sweet and very cheerful.” Kiran Rai was once known in Nottingham as a young boy who would burn bridge’s with most of friends due to his irrational behavior and bad temper, but he has since said: “I’ve just learnt to be humble and not pretend I’m somebody I’m not. I have 5 projects coming out before Christmas and I’m excited to share it with the world.” Rai continues to keep pushing forward despite his relationship between his family greatly affecting him. “I had no help, it felt like nobody wanted to help me. I try and live my life because tomorrow I may not be here so I do everything now while I can.” 

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