Celebrating Pakistan’s contemporary artists in London – for a cause


Blog by Sonia Malik.

Celebrating Pakistan’s upcoming artists – for a cause

It’s not often that we see art works from Pakistan that reflect its urban, social and gender issues from the viewpoint of young and upcoming artists, particularly young women. We see works in London galleries and museums by Pakistani artists who have already arrived at glory, fame and critical acclaim. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that – if anything, we take national, sometimes regional pride, in seeing these names and works.

However, the works that will be on display at Chai Time with The Citizens Foundation (TCF) at an Old Street venue on 30 November will showcase the works of female artists barely in their 20s and living in Lahore today. They reflect the gender constraints contemporary Pakistani society places on them, the animal-like instinct that comes to play in those that travel in the incapacitated transport system in Lahore, and the way relationships unfold.

Digital prints of works by these artists will be on display and for sale, with the profits being used for educating the impoverished in Pakistan’s urban slums and villages through TCFs more than 1,200+ schools.

The event offers a great opportunity for young artists from Lahore to have their work seen in London, but also for Londoners of all backgrounds to witness the evolution of ideas amongst young artists confronted with the challenges of living in Pakistan today. Learn more about the event and artists here.




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