Leicester Welcomes Indian Exhibition


India’s Gateway: Gujarat, Mumbai and Britain opened at New Walk Museum

An exhibition exploring the relationship between India and Britain over four centuries has opened in Leicester.

Entitled ‘India’s Gateway: Gujarat, Mumbai and Britain’, the exhibition will remain at the New Walk Museum for four months.

The exhibition, interlacing photographs and film with personal stories, explores the history of Gujarat and Mumbai as centres of trade and migration as well as the lives and experience of Gujarati communities today.

UK photographer Tim Smith, whose photographs are featured in the exhibition, said: “From food, film and fashion to trade and industry, interest in India is booming, and Gujarat and Mumbai are leading the way.

“The exhibition is inspired by the region’s vibration mix of cultures, and how that mix has been shaped by a rich history of trade, seafaring, migration and its close connections with Britain.

“It’s been fantastic to work with many different communities, here and in India, and lots of people have contributed their ideas and stories.”

Leicester City Council’s museums service has put together an additional display to run alongside the visiting exhibition.

Leicester Perspectives on Gujarat is a collection of objects, photos and artwork from local people.


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