Leicester Tigers Wheelchair Rugby


Team to Host Open Trials

Great Britain Wheelchair Rugby’s (GBWR) newest team is offering the chance for anyone over the age of 16 (with a physical impairment), to be part of one of the most exciting sports from the London 2012 Paralympics.


The open trials for the Leicester Wheelchair Rugby Club will be at the QE 2 Diamond Jubilee Leisure Centre on the 12th of April. The trial will be a great opportunity for local people to try out the sport with the session being delivered by experienced coaches.



The trial will take place at 9:00am to 12pm on the 12th of April. The trial will also offer the chance to be a part of the volunteer team, as well as watching an exhibition match after the initial trial. Rugby chairs and equipment will be provided.


For more details and to register please contact: Rob Tarr, Head Coach, on 07710 732716 or at tigercoach@mtwrc.org.uk


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