Coventry fundraiser to run London Marathon for Teenage Cancer Trust

FUNDRAISER Haroon Mota is in shape for the biggest challenge of his life!
Haroon will don his running shoes for the Virgin London Marathon this April in aid of the Teenage Cancer Trust.
The seasoned fundraiser, who has already trekked up Mount Everest and even scaled three of the UK’s highest mountains in just 24 hours, wants to raise a phenomenal £5000 for the Teenage Cancer Trust – and he’s well on the way to achieving his target.
The former Coventry City Council worker spends his days surrounded by young cancer sufferers as part of his job as a Senior Activity Coordinator at University College London Hospital where he provides recreational and therapeutic activities to help youngsters normalise their daily lives.
Haroon, who commutes from his hometown of Coventry to London every day, says watching youngsters suffer is “heartbreaking” – and he’s determined to do his bit to help the Teenage Cancer Trust which offers vital support to cancer sufferers.
“Working on a Teenage Cancer ward daily and seeing patients and families suffer, and seeing the impact of the great environment and support network offered by the Teenage Cancer Trust, I know very well that every penny donated will go a long way in helping teenagers fight cancer,” Haroon told The Asian Today.
In preparation for the big run Haroon took part in the Coventry Half Marathon last October.
“I started training in September and ran 13 miles for the Coventry Half Marathon on 2nd October,” he said.
“This was the first time I had ever run 13 miles and I totally loved it, completing it in 2 hours 7 minutes. The crowds and supporters were amazing, cheering us on and keeping us cool with their garden hoses in the 29 degree heat!
“If I enjoyed the Coventry Half Marathon this much, I can’t imagine how amazing the London Marathon will be. I can’t wait. With the Olympics on this year it is going to be extra special and I am so excited about being part of something special.”
Haroon admits training in the winter was tough – but his ultimate goal of wanting to support young cancer sufferers provided the inspiration to push on.
He said: “Running in the Winter is very challenging; It’s tough having to get up early in the morning on a Saturday to get out running in the cold for 3 hours, and then having to suffer the for the rest of the weekend with aching feet, sore legs and knee pain.
“When I’m struggling on the road, I get inspiration and motivation from remembering the suffering that my patients go through. The pain I go through is nothing in comparison to the endless suffering endured by those struggling with cancer.”
Haroon has already raised £3000 – which includes a generous £900 donation by local business – towards his target and is urging Asian Today readers to help with the final push ahead of his big day in April.
“Witnessing Cancer firsthand daily helps me understand and appreciate all the blessings we have,” Haroon says.
“Every living cell in our body is a blessing, something we take for granted; what others would cry for. I’m running the miles, making the smiles, so what will you do? Every penny counts so please donate however much or little you can spare.”
Donating online is easiest and quickest way to donate. It’s safe and secure & takes less than 20 seconds:
Supporters can also donate by free text message: Text “HTCT85” followed by amount e.g “£2” to 70070
Supporters can also donate by free text message: Text “HTCT85” followed by amount e.g “£2” to 70070