Muslims urged to ‘boycott Israeli dates’


Campaign set up by Friends of Al-Aqsa

BRITISH Muslims are being urged to boycott Israeli dates ahead of Ramadan.

Campaigners Friends of Al-Aqsa say Muslims who unwittingly purchase Israeli dates “support the Israeli economy and its occupation of the Palestinian people.”

With Ramadan due to begin this week, the group have put particular emphasis on dates because they are eaten at sunset to break the fast.

The group have set up a website ‘Check the Label’ as well as a Facebook page and videos on Youtube to help spread awareness of their campaign.

They plan to put up posters across the country in a bid to spread the message, and are urging British Muslims to wear t-shirts and stickers bearing the campaign logo.

“Financially, supporting the state of Israel is tantamount to supporting its oppression and occupation of the Palestinians. Palestinians are subjected to violence and humiliation every day and their lives are made unbearable by Israels occupation policies,” a spokesperson from the campaign said.

“While Muslims in Europe prepare for Ramadan, Israel prepares to flood the European markets with dates from Israel which enrich its economy with millions of pounds each year.

“Many Muslims are unaware of this and unwittingly purchase Israeli dates, thereby supporting the Israeli economy and its occupation of the Palestinian people.

Ramadan is a time of year when we remember those who are less fortunate than ourselves. When we break our fasts with dates, it would be an affront to us all if these dates were the produce of Illegal Israeli settlements built on land stolen from Palestinians.”

The campaign is being supported by a number of groups including the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and War on Want.


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