Wife of ‘aircraft bomb’ plotter cleared


Cossor Ali was unaware of husband’s terrorist plot, rule jurors

THE wife of one of the ringleaders of the Aircraft bomb plot has been acquitted of keeping his suicide attack plans from the police.

Cossor Ali, 28, from Walthamstow, East London, was found not guilty today at Inner London Crown Court of failing to disclose information that would be useful in preventing an act of terrorism.

The jury did not accept that she knew of her husband’s intention to carry out a terrorist act as far back as 2004.

Her husband, Abdulla Ahmed Ali, was found guilty in September 2009 of plotting to blow up flights from the UK to North America and was sentenced to a minimum of 40 years in prison.

Ali was arrested on August 10 2006 and was charged with one count of failing to disclose information contrary to section 38 B of the Terrorism Act 2000.

Following the verdict Colin Gibbs, Crown Prosecutor in the Counter Terrorism Division of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), said: “We believed we had sufficient evidence to put a case before a jury that Cossor Ali knew of her husband’s mission to become a martyr for his terrorist beliefs.

“It was our case that from notes she wrote to him she knew of his intention to commit an act of terrorism and that this would have involved his own death and others.

“The jury heard both the prosecution and the defence case and decided that they could not be sure whether Mrs Ali had any knowledge of her husband’s intentions and therefore whether she would have been able to alert the authorities.

“We would like to thank the jury for performing their duty in this case and we respect their verdict.”



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