City couple given three year ASBOs


Neighbours give evidence against Kamran Iqbal and Kim Owen

A BIRMINGHAM couple who made life unbearable for their neighbours for over two years have been issued with ASBOs.

Kamran Iqbal, 29, and Kim Owen, 31, from Bromwich Walk, Bordesley Green, were issued with the 3 year Anti Social Behaviour Orders at Birmingham Magistrates Court.

The couple were brought before the court following investigations by of Birmingham Anti-Social Behaviour Officers and West Midlands Police.

Neighbours who endured misery for two and a half years also gave evidence against the pair in court.

Under the order the couple are prohibited from verbally abusing, intimidating and harassing anyone in the Bromwich Walk area.

The order also stops the couple from using foul language, shouting or screaming at a level which can be heard from outside their property and screaming and fighting in the area around the property.

Owen, who has a history of prostitution, was also banned from engaging in lewd conduct in any public place in or around the locality of Bromwich Walk.

Cllr Ayoub Khan, Cabinet Member for Community Safety, praised the courage of those who gave evidence against the pair in court.

 “I’m delighted that local residents will no longer be subjected to this couple’s anti-social behaviour,” he said. “The neighbours who came forward to support BASBU officers in bringing this case to court must also be commended for their bravery and perseverance and I hope that they will once again be able to enjoy the area in which they live”. 


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