RAF Diversity Tour in Temple visit


Exhibition celebrates contributions from ethnic minorities to Royal Air Force

AN exhibition tour by the Royal Air Force which celebrates contributions made by ethnic minorities who have served the Armed Forces will be showcased at a Birmingham temple this week.

The ‘Diversity in the RAF’ tour was launched by the Royal Air Force on Remembrance Day and features photographic accounts of servicemen and women from Sikh, Muslim, Hindu and African Caribbean backgrounds

The tour has already visited London and Glasgow, and will arrive at the Shri Venkateswara (Balaji) Temple in Birmingham on 21 November.

Dr Rao, Chairman of the Temple, said the UK Hindu community were “proud” of those who served Britain.

“It’s a privilege for the Hindu community to host the ‘Diversity in the RAF’ exhibition here at the Shri Venkateswara (Balaji) Temple, he said.

“The Hindu community is proud of the heritage of those who have served or are serving with the Royal Air Force. We also want people from the local community who attend the Temple to find out more about their heritage and how their forefathers made a huge contribution during the first and second World Wars.”

RAF Sergeant Shiv Chand, who works with communities in Birmingham, said: “The ‘Diversity in the RAF’ tour is an opportunity to take the exhibition into communities. Remembrance Day is celebrated right across the UK and launching the tour on Remembrance Day, before taking it around the country, is one way of celebrating the many members of ethnic communities who have made such valuable contributions whilst serving in the Armed Forces. We want all communities to be aware of and feel proud of the contributions their members have made.”




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