‘Milk Tray’ moment for Birmingham Mayor


Chauhdry Rashid to abseil 150 feet for Charity

BIRMINGHAM Lord Mayor Cllr Chauhdry Rashid will have a ‘milk tray’ moment this Friday when he abseils for charity.

Lord Mayor Rashid will calmly go the extra mile, well 150 feet up actually, when he abseils down Linden Block, Bournville Lane in aid of charity this coming Friday.

The Lord Mayor will be one of 60 people, including Mrs Thelma Sharpe, former Lady Mayoress, who are raising funds through sponsorship, for the Lord Mayor’s Charities.

Daredevil Cllr Rashid already has a previous abseil jump under his belt this year and he isn’t afraid to continue the trend as he aims to raise vital funds for a number of charities.

“I actually enjoy the challenge of this abseil which will be my second this year. Fear is not an option as I want to do all I can to help my Charities. I would also like to thank all those who are supporting me at this event”.

The Lord Mayors charities include the Al-Hijrah Trust UK, Birmingham Arthritis Resource Centre and Birmingham Ethnic Education Advisory Service.


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