Fahmeeda Begum sentenced to two and a half years i

Fahmeeda Begum, 48, of Manor Road, Levenshulme, wrapped the loaded Baikal self-loading pistol in a blue bag and threw into on to the roof of an outbuilding next to her house as officers closed in.
Begum, who pleaded guilty to possession of a firearm, was today sentenced to two and a half years in prison at Manchester Crown Square.
A 15-year-old boy, who was charged with possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life, was jailed for two years in a young offenders institute.
The court was told officers from Greater Manchester Police’s Xcalibre Organised Crime Unit executed a warrant on Begum’s house on Manor Road on 17 October last year.
After watching the house earlier that day, officers arrested the 15-year-old boy on suspicion of possession of a firearm when he left the house.
Minutes later officers went into the house before noticing an outbuilding attached to a next-door house, which backed onto Barlow Road.
Begum let officers into the building and, during the subsequent search, one of them spotted a blue plastic bag on the flat roof of the outbuilding.
The bag contained a loaded Baikal self-loading pistol containing four bullets. Begum was also arrested at this point.
In interviews, Begum said she found the weapon in a room in her house and threw it onto the roof of the outhouse when police arrived.
Begum let officers into the building and, during the subsequent search, one of them spotted a blue plastic bag on the flat roof of the outbuilding.
The bag contained a loaded Baikal self-loading pistol containing four bullets. Begum was also arrested at this point.
In interviews, Begum said she found the weapon in a room in her house and threw it onto the roof of the outhouse when police arrived.