The second US presidential debate saw discussions of sexual assault, deleted emails and even one candidate threatening to arrest the other. Clinton and Trump entered the arena in the wake of Trump’s sexual assault recording scandal.
The two candidates took the opportunity take jabs at one another, Trump first bore the brunt of a secret recording that was released featuring Trump boasting about groping and kissing women because he had the money and power to. Trump has since apologised for the remarks and was confronted with them at the debate, he dismissed them as “locker room talk” and turned the attention towards Bill Clinton’s sexual assault allegations. Bill is the husband of Hillary Clinton.
The moderators then quizzed Clinton about the deleted emails scandal which Clinton apologised for as a “mistake” which she claims to take responsibility for. Trump caused a stir stating if he won he would hire a special prosecutor to investigate Clinton’s emails and ensure she went to prison.
There were also questions about the Syria conflict, Russia’s aggression, Trumps refusal to release his tax returns and his “extreme vetting” of immigrants arriving from countries linked to terrorism.
The debate came to an awkward end when an audience member asked if the candidates could name one positive thing about the other. Clinton claimed that she respected Trump’s children and that they were a good reflection of him, Trump meanwhile called Clinton “a fighter” who never gives up.
The final debate will air on 19th October 2016 9pm ET (8pm CT, 7pm MT, 6pm PT).