A Child Laid to Rest

Thousands attend funeral of 11-year-old Asad Khan who committed suicide after school bullying

Asad Khan

Asad Khan was an 11-year-old boy who killed himself after claims of bullying at his secondary school. The boy hung himself in his bedroom before being discovered by his mother, his death received an outpouring of sympathy from the Asian community in particular. Khan is said to have attended Beckfoot Upper Heaton School for just three weeks before taking his life.

Thousands lined the streets in Bradford to pay their respects to the boy and his family. Many youngsters even wore T-shirts with anti-bullying messages written on them and also ‘RIP little man Asad’.

His coffin was taken to Masjid Bilal Mosque and then taken to an area near Manningham Sports Centre where women said their goodbyes followed by men carrying out funeral prayers.

Family friend Haliba Ali, 17-years-old said, “We wanted to show our support for Asad with the message that bullying has to stop.”

Local community member Riaz Ahmed said he wanted to pay respect to the family, adding, “It is so shocking that a young life has been wasted. It has broken everyone’s hearts and will strike a chord with every parent that this can happen anywhere.”

Psychotherapist Arshad Ali raised concerns about bullying and aims to work with Asian TV companies to broadcast messages about the dangers of bullying. He stated, “It is a hidden evil. So many people have come today in respect and mourning but this cannot be forgotten.

“We must make people, teachers, parents all aware to look for signs and act on them.

“We do not want this young boy’s life to have been a waste. If we do not do anything and this does not go further then what would have been the point? (of his death).

“We will get the message across through Asian TV channels, perhaps giving talks at school. We have to take the bull by the horns.”

On the day of his suicide Khan came home, went to the bathroom and then his bedroom. When his mother called him and heard no response, she went to his room to find the door locked from the inside. After forcing it open she found Khan hanging. Paramedics tried and failed to revive him and he was pronounced dead shortly after.

West Yorkshire Police are investigating the circumstances around Khan’s death. The inquest has been adjourned until January 24th 2017 for police reports and statements to be completed.


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