Nature’s Chakra: Your personal hair regime


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Healthy hair doesn’t just happen, it’s usually the result of patient, ongoing care. Anushka Arora, the charismatic and dynamic radio presenter at Sunrise Radio, tells us how she manages her luscious locks.

“I love my job but it’s also quite hectic. From presenting a radio show to hosting events, I am always kept on my toes. That’s why it’s important for me to take care of myself and I like to do it the natural way. I work out regularly and watch what I eat but when it comes to my hair I take extra care because my hair gets exposed to a lot of products and styling treatments, especially during events.

“There is heavy use of hair spray and back-combing so I really need to keep my hair in the best condition. That’s why I follow a hair care regime and as a part of that I use Vatika Natural’s black seed range at least three times a week. It has just worked wonders on my hair!”

All of us shampoo, oil and condition our hair but what we don’t realise is the importance of following a regime to make the best use of these practices. So start your hair care journey today with this regime that is simple and easy to follow:

Nature’s Chakra

Step 1: Oil

Oiling your hair is the best thing you can do for it, especially if it’s dry. It is known to strengthen the roots and help prevent premature greying. But you need to know how to oil hair the right way to get its benefits. Always ensure the oil is lukewarm when applying it to your scalp.

Gently massage it in for 10 to 15 minutes. Oil at least once a week with Vatika Natural’s black seed enriched hair oil to promote hair growth and enjoy beautifully nourished hair. For best results, leave the oil in your hair overnight but no longer as it will start attracting dirt and leave your hair feeling weak. So make sure you follow step 2 to prevent this from happening.

Step 2: Shampoo

This is the one area, where it definitely varies for everyone. Most people opt to wash twice a week while others wash as frequently as every alternate day. There really is no right or wrong answer when it comes to how often you should shampoo, it’s more about what works for you. A good rule of thumb would be to shampoo your hair at the scalp, particularly at the nape.

The best way to lather up is from roots to ends. You will know if this is working for you based on how your hair feels when you touch it and sometimes just by looking at it. When you use Vatika Natural’s black seed shampoo with all its traditional goodness, it provides all the nutrition your hair needs to stay healthy and leaves it feeling great. But remember shampooing can also leave your hair feeling dry so follow it up with step 3.


Step 3: Condition

Conditioning is one of the most important aspects of a natural hair care routine. You need to moisturise your scalp just like you moisturise your face. Every day your hair loses vital proteins. Conditioner helps to fill in those missing gaps and repairs breakage and dryness. Make a habit of using Vatika Natural’s black seed complete hair care conditioner every time you wash your hair. It will help improve shine, texture and volume and your hair will thank you for it!

Step 4: Repeat

Done all three steps? Now repeat the cycle, make it a routine and see the difference.

Anushka Arora definitely loves the black seed range from Vatika Natural’s but you can choose from the almond, cactus and argan range depending on the texture of your hair and start your regime today.

“I used to find managing my hair and my career to be quite a difficult balancing act. We all want great, shiny, beautiful hair but it doesn’t happen without a bit of effort. Then I realised that following a simple hair care routine takes just a short amount of time and is quite convenient. So make sure you follow this simple regime regularly because you know what they say guys, practice makes perfect.”

– Anushka Arora


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