£2bn Birmingham-Chinese Housing Agreement

Birmingham’s housing shortage might find repair in new £2bn deal

Credit: Erebus555 http://goo.gl/XrArYl

City council leader John Clancy has agreed a deal with Country Garden, a Chinese housing developer, to invest and build in Birmingham in a move that could be worth £2bn to Birmingham’s economy.

Country Garden, based in Guangdong, is to look into large-scale investment opportunities in Greater Birmingham, focusing on developing in the surrounding areas of HS2 and working on developing housing.

Some of the areas of interest are Curzon Street Eastside and Icknield Port Loop (Ladywood).

Clansy said:

“The landscape has inevitably changed post-Brexit and Birmingham is already out of the starting blocks.

“That’s why I’m here selling our city to many of China’s leading investors. This agreement is about bringing good jobs and quality homes to Birmingham…

“Bringing this level of investment and experience to Birmingham would be a massive economic boost to the region’s businesses, skills base and families. It’s about bringing new, big capital spend to the city, quickly.”


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