A Brighter Balsall Heath

Cracking success at Balsall Heath Forum's Community Joint Action Day

Subah Rasab, Chair of the Forum (far left), Abdullah Rehman (founder) far right

The Balsall Heath Forum organised a joint community action day after consulting with residents about the issues within their locality. Balsall Heath Forum found that the main concerns for residents around the George St and Tindal St area were speeding, anti-social behaviour and rubbish. In order to address these issues and provide a practical approach to address the needs of the residents, the Brighter Balsall Heath community action day was formed.

The action day took place on Wednesday 10th August 2016 with partners from across the board joining together to resolve residents issues and support the community. Partners on the day included West Midlands Fire Service, Birmingham City Council, West Midlands Police, Fleet and Waste, Housing Association, Twenty is Plenty, Kik it, Active Parks, Sparkbrook Neighbourhood Forum, Zero Carbon House and Balsall Heath Children Centre as part of St Pauls Trust. The partners supported in a range of ways including information stalls, supporting residents to register to services, fire safety checks, advice and information, as well as supporting the community litter pick of George Street Park.

Abdul Hamid hanging and watering baskets around the area

Balsall Heath Forum was first set up back in the mid-90s by Abdullah Rehman in order to tackle severe crime sweeping the area. Abdul Hamid was instrumental in the development of Streetwatch, which was a ground-breaking success in pushing crime from the streets, and numerous Neighbourhood watch groups. Also integral to the Balsall Heath Forum team is Nowrah Abdul, in charge of administration.

The Balsall Heath Forum also brightened the area with more beautiful hanging baskets, giving residents a sense of pride for their neighbourhood. In addition there is also the Balsall Heath Forum garden centre, run by horticultural expert Sanjeer Duggal who works with local residents on how to cultivate their own vegetables. The local children and residents joined in with the litter pick and were able to enjoy fun and games provided by Active Parks.

Sanjeer Duggal watering the Balsall Heath Garden Centre

The day linked residents and service providers worked together to address the needs of the residents and resolve their issues. Balsall Heath Forum would like to thank all the residents who came out to support the day and all the partners who helped in resolving the local issues and concerns.

Last year, Patrick Wing, former Chief Supt for West Midlands Police and now Neighbourhood Manager for Balsall Heath Forum, was honoured with an MBE from the Queen.

Founder Abdullah Rehman (right) at the Balsall Heath City Farm



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