Brutal Dentist Attack

A student launched a spineless attack on a dentist, breaking his cheek bone after seeing his sister in tears while being treated.


Birmingham Crown Court was told that Abdul Abubaker launched this ruthless attack by kicking and punching Muhiddin Ahmed whilst he was still sitting in a chair.

Abubaker’s teenage sister went to Bhandal dental practise in Small Heath last year for dental treatment.

The defendant was present because he agreed to stand as an suitable adult, however during the treatment, he was asked to exit the room as his 15-year-old sister needed an X-ray.

Regrettably, the young girl bit down on the dental plate she was given in the wrong way and broke it.

Staff told her that they needed to get a new one and the girl burst into tears because she believed she was being told off. She said she didn’t want to have an additional X-ray.

Hearing his sisters cries, Abubaker stormed into the room, demanding to know what was happening. He pushed Mr Ahmed and made a series of threats.

Abubaker was told that any complaints would have to be made down stairs.

However, he swiftly returned to the Mr Ahmed’s dental room where he was sitting on a chair, attempting to gather himself after the earlier incident.

He kicked Mr Ahmed on the left side of his face. Mr Ahmed managed to deflect the blow. Abubaker then preceded to punch him twice causing him to fall to the floor.

Abubaker was held back, whilst he continued to make threats.

In passing sentence Miss Recorder Mountfield QC said the victim had required surgery and went on “It has had an impact on his sense of physical safety in carrying out his career.

“This was a really brutal and cowardly attack on a man who was performing a public service and who had done nothing wrong.

“The only explanation for that behaviour is that you saw red.”

However, in sentencing Abubaker to two years, the judge said she had “taken into account his previous good character and that he had been treated for stress before the incident”.

22-year-old, Abubaker of Mansell Road, Small Heath, who had also admitted wounding previously, was also ordered to do 120 hours’ of unpaid work and to pay £3,500 recompense.


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