Domestic Abuse Charity Closed

Domestic Abuse Charity in Walsall closes down due to funding issues.


Domestic violence has risen by almost 50 per cent in Walsall over the last five years.

After a long battle for funds, the charity have decided to remain active in the community but close their offices.

A statement from the Walsall DV Project Coordinator, Sheri Rogers,

“It is with great sadness that I have to inform you that Walsall Domestic Violence Forum (WDVF) will be closing down on May 4th 2016.

From myself & the team at WDVF I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the tremendous support that you have given the Forum both personally & through your support for us on Facebook & Twitter.

We have fought long & hard over many years to secure the necessary funds to continue our support services for victims of DV. However, sadly we have now lost that battle.

It has been a real honour to work with such an amazingly committed & passionate team of people within this wonderful charity.

WDVF was formed in 1992, & became a registered a registered charity in 2005.

The Domestic Violence Forum has provided so much, to those that have been affected by the heinous crime of domestic abuse.

Thank you ALL for your support, from myself & everyone at WDVF “.

Sheri Rogers.

Project Coordinator WDVF. (1999-2016).


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