ISIS supports Ferguson riots


Birmingham born ‘Jihadi’ wants to send IS militants to aid Ferguson rioters

A Birmingham native fighting with Islamic State in Syria has vowed to send militants to support the Ferguson rioters in the USA. The city has been racked by violent riots following the shooting of an unarmed black teenager, where the policeman responsible for the shooting was not charged.

20-year-old ‘Jihadi’ Junaid Hussain is now convincing the rioters to join the IS movement and offers unwavering support. He tweeted from “From #IS 2 Ferguson”,

“We hear you and we will help you if you accept Islam and reject corrupt man-made laws like democracy and pledge your allegiance to Caliph Abu Bakr and then we will shed our blood for you and send our soldiers that don’t sleep, whose drink is blood, and their play is carnage.”

The former hacker left his home in Birmingham for Syria last year while on police bail for violent disorder. He had just finished a six-month prison sentence for hacking into the personal Gmail account of former Prime Minister Tony Blair and his family, then making their details public.

His family home in Kings Heath was searched by counter-terror cops earlier this year due to an ongoing terror investigation involving militant fighters in Syria.

Hussain also tweeted a picture of masked and armed British militants holding the handwritten note underneath a caption, “Accept Islam & give bayah [allegiance] to Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi & then we will send u soldiers that don’t sleep! – #IS #Ferguson’”

The men in this photo are believed to be stationed in ISIS-held areas of Syria and Iraq, one of them being the hacker Hussain.

Another British militant, who uses the Twitter handle @Abu 3antar Britani, tweeted, “From #IS to #Ferguson we heard your call and we are ready to respond! #FergusonDecision #BeLikeMalcolmX #FightBack”.

The connection between IS and Ferguson began in the first street riots in August when a CNN news reporter spotted a man holding a sign saying, ‘ISIS is here’.

The images inspired global ISIS sympathisers to use the hashtag #FergusonUnderISIS to urge protesters to embrace their extremist beliefs.


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