Muslim School Seeks Residence


The School Was Denied A Request To Change The Building’s Use

A Muslim school in Coventry must find new residence or be forced to close down after a rejected application by the city council’s planning chiefs.

Members of the planning committee refused a request for a mid-terraced home in Queen Marys Road, Foleshill which was being used as a school in evenings from Monday to Friday.

The school wanted to change the use of the building as well as add an extension, but were turned down by planning officers who claimed their request would cause, “significant harm to the amenities of neighbouring residents via visual intrusion”, and “increased competition for on-street parking spaces on an already heavily parked road”.

A spokesperson for the Coventry City Council said they would try to arrange a new accommodation site for them.

The school however has been backed by three of Foleshill’s ward councillors; Councillors Abdul Khan, Tariq Khan and Malkiat Singh Auluck. Councillor Abdul Khan stated that the applicant had “done a great deal of work for the local community”, according to the planning officers’ report.

Councillor Tariq Khan emphasised the benefits of the school such as helping to eliminate anti-social behaviour.

The public have supported the plans for the school as it would be in a close location which would erase the need to drive further away. They collectively singed a petition with 370 signatures in favour of the new school site.

The school opens from 4pm to 7pm Monday to Friday and the application had also asked for permission to open from 9.30am to 12.30pm on weekends.

It is reported that the centre has 49 pupils and two teachers in the first class of the day and 45 pupils and two teachers at a later class.


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