Information following growing concerns for missing teenager


Nida Ul-Naseer went missing on Saturday December 28th 2013

Officers are growing increasingly concerned about the welfare and whereabouts of 18 year old Nida Ul-Naseer from Newport who was reported as missing from her address on Linton Street on Saturday December 28th 2013.

Nida was last seen at the address at approximately 8pm. Nida is of Asian-Pakistani appearance and has long dark hair, is slim and is five feet three inches tall.? She was last known to be wearing blue jeans and a black top.


To go missing is particularly out of character for Nida, and officers and her family are increasingly concerned for her welfare due to that fact that she hasn’t been in contact, especially over the New Year period.

We are also concerned for Nida because she hasn’t taken her medication with her and is likely to become anaemic without it.

Specially trained search officers with the assistance of dogs and horses are undertaking enquiries in numerous areas of Newport today, and local officers will be in the area distributing leaflets and conducting further house to house enquiries.

If anyone can assist us with our enquiries to locate Nida, they are asked to call 101 and quote log number 448 28/12/13.


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