Make:Shift 2013: Small Changes Can Make a Big Difference


Local people are being invited to take part in Make:Shift 2013 – Wolverhampton

Local people are being invited to take part in Make:Shift 2013 – a one day event designed to help communities develop and follow-through ideas that will make life in Wolverhampton better.


It follows the success of last year’s event that led to ventures to create a network of free organic gardens, make better use of vacant spaces around the city and to build a network of volunteers to help vulnerable people to fill in forms.


Sam Axtell, Wolverhampton City Council’s consultation and community engagement officer said: “Getting involved in Make:Shift 2013 will give local people the chance to make a positive change in their city, their community or just in their own street.


“Entry to the event is free – and if you come along, you’ll find the format very free-flowing.  In fact, it’s an ‘unconference’ where the agenda’s set and the activities are managed by the people who turn up on the day. 


“No one tells anyone what to do.  The only things that the people who take part will need are ideas, insights and an open mind.


“Last year’s Make:Shift event led to great ideas that could be of lasting benefit to the people of Wolverhampton.


“This year, we’re looking for more ideas that local communities can own and develop for themselves.  We’re also hoping that local people will make their own, personal pledges to make life better in the city.


“For example, people can pledge to recycle more, to check on an elderly neighbour more often – or even just to say hello to people they see every day but have never spoken to before.


“The important thing to remember is that small change can make a really big difference.  


“People can post an idea or make their pledge on our Facebook page – www.facebook/makeshiftevent


“We’d also encourage anyone who has a skill to share or who’d just like to be more involved in the life of their city to come along to the Make:Shift event on November 9 at the Newhampton Arts Centre.


“There’s no charge for admission.  Anyone who’d like to take part can reserve a place at


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