Benefit cheat gets suspended sentence


Abul Hussain stole almost £18,000

A BIRMINGHAM man has been given a 16-week suspended prison sentence after pleading guilty to benefit fraud worth almost £18,000.

Abul Hussain, 32, of Fallows Road, Sparkhill was sentenced at Birmingham Magistrates Court for fraudulently claiming benefits paid by Birmingham City Council costing the tax payer £17,932.

He became the one of the latest benefit fraudsters to be foiled by city council investigators, who unravelled his deception when they uncovered the facts behind his claims for Housing Benefit.

Hussain presented his claim to benefit saying that he was a tenant. However, his claims were a lie as he was not a tenant at all but a family member in his brother’s home.

He would not have been entitled to any Housing Benefit had he told the council the truth. He pleaded guilty in court to three offences under the Social Security Administration Act, and was sentenced to a term of imprisonment for 16 weeks suspended for 12 months.

He was also ordered to carry out 200 hours community service and ordered to pay full costs.

John Turner, Business Manager for Birmingham Audit at Birmingham City Council, said: “Since April this year alone we have taken legal action against 120 fraudsters and this case demonstrates our commitment to drive down the levels of benefit fraud across the city.

“We want people to have their rightful entitlement to benefit but those committing fraud will be rooted out”.


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