Asian families ‘missing out’ on disabled benefits

A LEADING charity which helps families of disabled children has claimed more than 60 per cent of Asian families are not claming benefits owed to them.

The charity estimates there are 470,000 families in the UK not claiming Disability Living Allowance (DLA) to help meet their disabled child’s additional needs

Srabani Sen, Chief Executive of Contact a Family, said despite being among the most vulnerable and often poorest families, 62% of Asian parents looking after a disabled child were not claiming Disability Living Allowance.

Research shows that Asian families of disabled children are much more disadvantaged in living circumstances than white families.

However fewer Asian families receive DLA than white families.

Srabani Sen said: “DLA can be a real help to families of disabled children who are more likely to be living in poverty. It is vital that families claim the benefits to which they have a right.

“DLA is not means tested and does not affect claims for other benefits. In fact it can be a trigger for other important financial support such as extra tax credits and Carers Allowance.”

For families whose child needs additional care or has mobility problems, telephone Contact a Family’s freephone helpline 0808 808 3555.


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