Fears for missing West Bromwich woman

POLICE are growing increasingly concerned for the welfare of a 21-year-old woman who has gone missing from her home in West Bromwich.
Korona Begum has not been seen since December 10, 2007 when she left her home address in Middlemore Road, and did not return.

Miss Begum has learning disabilities following a road traffic collision as a child, and is therefore considered vulnerable by officers investigating her disappearance.

Korona is described as Asian, 5ft 4in tall, of slim build, with black shoulder length hair and brown eyes. She is also known by the name of Ruby.

It is believed that she may be in the company of Helal Uddin, a 31-year-old Asian man, who is described as 5ft 6in tall, of slim build, with short black hair and a distinctive mole under his right eye.

Uddin is a waiter by trade and is believed to have connections to the Stratford area of east London.

Anyone with information as to the whereabouts of Korona are asked to contact CID at West Bromwich Police station on 0845 113 5000 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.


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