Guilty Plea in Mahmoud Hussain Case


Father of 5 Brutally Attacked in Birmingham

A Birmingham man who was the victim of a brutal attack which left him in a coma has returned home to his family, despite ongoing pain and suffering, as his 25 year old attacker, James McFarlane pleads guilty to attempted murder.

The victim, 46 year old Mahmoud Hussain, who is a father of 5 and a qualified maths teacher, had escaped to Britain from war-torn Palestine to give his family a better life and escape the threat of violence.

Mr Hussain was working as a contract quality control inspector when he was the victim of a vicious, unprovoked assault on the morning on 20th December 2014. As he was walking to the local pharmacy, he was viciously attacked by James MacFarlane, who hit him across the back of the head with a brick leaving him with a head injury, fractured jaw, a fracture above his right eye and a serious injury to his knee.

It is reported that the 25 year old attacker then stole Mr Hussain’s jacket, shoes, mobile phone and wallet, leaving Mr Hussain for dead in the street. A witness reported the incident to the Police and emergency services and Mr Hussain was taken to New Queens Hospital in Birmingham in a critical unconscious state. He remained in a coma for 40 days due to pressure on the brain which required surgery.

Due to the attack, Mr Hussain has been unable to continue his work as a quality inspector. He has lost hearing in one ear and suffers ongoing severe pain and discomfort, as well as depression and anxiety about the future for this young family.

Sabrina McCarron, a serious injury solicitor at CFG Law is representing Mr Hussain and comments,“Working in the field of serious injury, I help many people who have suffered terrible injuries – but acting on behalf of Mr Hussain, who sustained such awful injuries due to an unprovoked attack is very shocking.

My client is still in severe pain every day as a result of the attack and will very likely be affected by his injuries for the rest of his life. With a young family to care for he is very afraid for the future and how he will provide for them.

At CFG Law we are doing all we can to secure effective medical assessment and treatment which should ease Mr Hussain’s symptoms and we will be recommending a variety of care services to help provide essential support to him and his family in the future. We have also introduced a Family Liaison Officer from Headway Birmingham to help introduce supports for Mahmoud and his family. Headway is a charity that works to improve life after brain injury.

I am shocked by the vicious and unprovoked nature of this attack on my client, who is wholly committed to providing a better life for his family in the UK after arriving here from Palestine. He came to what he thought was a safer country for his young family and it is sad to think that such a devastating injury has occurred.

I will be doing all I can to support Mr Hussain in the months to come.” In August, James McFarlane will attend the Crown Court where a judge will pass down the sentence for attempted murder.


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