Ranjit Power Disappearance


Family Offer Reward for Information

The Foreign Office is looking into the disappearance of a Wolverhampton businessman.


Ranjit Singh Power, who is the owner of the Ramada Park Hall Hotel, has not been heard from since he landed for a business trip in India on May 7.


The 54-year-old family man has also been placed on West Midland Police’s Missing Persons list.


His family have now offered up the five-figure reward for any information about Mr Power.


Daughter Emma said, “We are getting more and more worried about my father’s disappearance and because of this have made a decision to offer a £10,000 reward.


“It is getting to the point now where we have to do anything we can to get my father back safely. We just need our dad back with us as soon as possible and want to know what is going on.”


Mr Power flew out from Birmingham Airport on May 7. He arrived at Amritsar Airport in Punjab later that day and spoke to his partner then but no one has seen or heard from him since. He had been due to return on May 14.


 “We are getting more and more distraught about our father,” Emma added.


“As a last resort we are contacting the media in the hope he can be found safe. There is nothing else we can do.


“Our strongest fears are that he may have been kidnapped or, dread to think of it, even worse. We have not heard from him at all.


“These are our fears because our father is a very strong man and he would contact England two or three times a day if not more. He is constantly on the telephone.


“He’s been in and out of the country as long as I have been a small girl and we know his traits.


“He is a very careful man and has always been aware of his security and, with him being quite a wealthy gentleman, security and safety has always been paramount to him.”


“We’ve exhausted every avenue which there is to go by,” she said. “This really is our last resort and the last thing we wanted but not to hear from him for this long is not my father.


“We are understandably distraught and are doing everything we can to ensure our father’s safety.


“If anyone has any information which can help us please contact the police as soon as possible.”


“I’m very concerned about him,” they said.


“I’m trying to find his whereabouts – we believe that police over there may be narrowing their search. He rang me when he arrived and he was totally happy. We just want to know what’s happened.”


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