Business Awards celebrate anniversary


Decade of achievement for Black Country Asian Business Association

BLACK Country Asian Business Association has a lot to celebrate this year.

It is not only their 10th Anniversary but also Macmillan Cancer Support’s Centenary year which the Association is supporting this year with a spectacular awards dinner on the 17th June 2011 at the Copthorn Hotel, Dudley.

With a fantastic three course meal, wonderful entertainment and a prominent business speaker, the event is a ‘must’ event to attend for those serious about networking. The Dinner is seen as one of the premier business black tie events in the region. Previous speakers have included Lord Bhattachariya, Asian millionaire Mo Choudary, Keith Vaz and Lord Paul.

The event attracts over 350 guests and has been sponsored by corporates such as Mercedes, KTC Edibles, Johnnie Walkie, Microsoft and Pilot IMS. Attendees to the event include some of the largest employers and wealth creators in the region.

BCABA have been in existence since 2001 and have sought to be a centre for business advice and signposting for businesses of all sizes in the Asian sector. BCABA have worked closely with organisations such as AWM, the West Midlands Ethnic Business Forum, Business Link West Midlands and other major government institutions. BCABA currently interacts with over 2750 Asian businesses.

BCABA hold regular events and seminars for their members and a new website is currently under construction which will concentrate on the potential of the subcontinent. The BCABA board comprises of experienced entrepreneurs who are widely connected within the Business World.

The awards dinner provides an extraordinary platform for Asian businesses across the Black Country to showcase their success within a glitzy black tie event.

Ninder Johal, Chair of BCABA, says: “In this uncertain environment, BCABA continues to signpost Asian businesses of all sizes to the business services available for their growth plans. It is important that Asian businesses have a voice and therefore, we endeavour to lobby their concerns with new organisations such as the Black Country LEP and existing local authorities. BCABA have been involved and supportive in the setting up of the Find it in Sandwell portal. The last ten years have been very successful and we hope to maintain the momentum for the next ten years and beyond.”

If you would like more information about BCABA or to book tickets for 17th June please contact Ninder Johal at



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