Taking the Mailbox Plunge


Community worker Adam to abseil down iconic city building for charity

A BIRMINGHAM community worker is set to abseil 131ft down the city’s iconic Mailbox building for charity.

Adam Yosef will join four friends to raise money for Birmingham Children’s Hospital’s Heart Appeal which aims to raise £2 million for a new cardiac hybrid theatre.

And to make it fun, the group have chosen to take on the challenge in celebrity-themed fancy dress!

The 29-year-old is already a seasoned fundraiser having raised money for the hospital previously in the Birmingham EDF Half Marathon. He’s also slept rough for a night as part of St Basil’s Big Sleep Out event.

But this will be the first abseil for Adam, and he’s excited by the challenge.

“In my mind I have an idea that it will be straight forward and that the Mailbox isn’t that high up,” he told The Asian Today.

“However, when I walk past and actually look up at the building, the nerves are bound to set in just a little as you never know what it’s going to look like from the top of the shopping complex and I’ve never been right to the top!

“I’m not afraid of heights though as I live in a high rise up but it’ll still be a challenge. I can’t think it’ll be comfortable in fancy dress but it’s for a good cause.”

Talking about fancy dress, Adam said he was still undecided which celebrity will ‘help’ him with his abseil.

“The team have chosen a ‘pop music’ theme with members going as Lady Gaga, Madonna, Justin Bieber and a possible Cher so I’m still mulling over the likes of Freddie Mercury, Michael Jackson and George Michael. Eek!”

But joking aside, Adam said there was an important end product to the abseil, namely raising money for Birmingham Children’s Hospital’s Heart Appeal.

“It’s an extremely important cause and the hospital is currently raising money for the charity’s Heart Appeal,” he said.

“The work they do is vital for youngsters with heart problems and abnormalities and so they have to ensure they have the most up-to-date equipment to provide the best service they can.”

Join Adam’s abseil down the Mailbox on Saturday 16th April 2011.

If you would like to sponsor Adam log onto www.justgiving.com/teams/mailboxabseilers


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