‘Mo Mentors will bust Terrorist Cells,says Millionaire Mo Chaudry


Stoke millionaire launches new initiative

ASIAN Millionaire Mo Chaudry has launched a unique mentoring initiative for young Asians in Britain which he hopes will steer vulnerable individual’s away fundamentalist terrorist cells.
“Islamic extremism is propagated by a small number of religious zealots who wish to set one community against another for their own incoherent reasons,” said Mr Chaudry, who was in the headlines recently for leading a successful one-man campaign against the discriminatory constitution of the British National Party.

“It is vital that young people are inspired and motivated by role models that they respect. It is no good for Government to give £1 million to ‘ivory tower’ organizations like The Quilliam Foundation. The role models need to be dealing with problem youngsters on the streets – at the sharp edge.

“I have launched a pilot initiative in Stoke that employs teams of young men, well known in the community, who will be able to act as mentors under my guidance,” said Mr Chaudry, who owns the Waterworld attraction at Stoke-on-Trent.

“We hope to provide positive role models and create a framework that can invigorate, motivate and inspire the most vulnerable young Asians.

“We should be advising youngsters on growing into adulthood responsibly.”

“Look at the progress the BNP has made in Stoke. It is a negative party which simply seeks to capitalise on people’s disillusionment and fears about issues such as immigration and terrorism,” said the star of Channel 4’s ‘Secret Millionaire’.

Mo Chaudry acts as an ambassador and mentor for the Staffordshire based Project Management Training Scheme who announced their 10,000 successful apprenticeship placement last month.


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