BNP are ‘finished’, says Stoke-loving Asian millionaire


Joy for Mo Chaudry as Stoke gives Griffin the boot

ASIAN millionaire Mo Chaudry believes the British National Party is “finished” in Britain following their disastrous outing at the local elections.

The group lost four council seats in Stoke-on-Trent and could do nothing as once-loyal supporters deserted the party in the crunch elections last week.

Mr Chaudry, who famously tried to become a BNP member in a bid to “fight them from the inside” in February, said the city where he made his fortune had been “returned to the people”.

Stoke-on-Trent was known as the BNP’s “jewel in the crown”, the city where Nick Griffin launched the BNP general election campaign.

But when it came to election night his supporters in the city gave him the boot – to the joy of Mr Chaudry

“The Local Council elections clearly indicate the BNP is finished in Britain. The political defect has been corrected. Stoke, which was fast becoming a BNP stronghold, has been returned to the people,” Mr Chaudry said.

“The last thing the area, which requires huge regeneration and possible government intervention measures, needs, is BNP stranglehold.

“Rather than make gains at the election, the BNP Council of 9 has now slipped to 5, which is significant.”

Mr Chaudry launched his own high-profile challenge to the BNP’s whites-only constitution in February in a bid to “fight them from the inside“, but was publicly told by BNP Deputy Leader Simon Darby that his application would be blocked. Further challenges to the constitution led to his being barred by Nick Griffin.


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