Walsall Shop Closed After Mouse Droppings ‘Found Throughout Store’


Environmental health officers have closed Bangla Stores, on Milton Street, Palfrey, after they found mouse droppings inside.

Walsall Council received an anonymous tip off about the store.

Droppings were found “throughout the store” at the start of this week when workers carried out an inspection.

A court order at Dudley Magistrates Court was later granted, confirming the closure.

Magistrates issued a full Emergency Hygiene Prohibition Order requiring the premises remain closed until Environmental Health Officers are satisfied the health risk has been removed.

A council spokeswoman said, “Walsall Council can confirm that following an anonymous complaint, environmental health officers visited Bangla Stores, Milton Street, Palfrey, on Monday, October 9 where they conducted a thorough inspection of the premises and discovered mouse droppings throughout the store.

“The owners were served an Emergency Hygiene Prohibition Notice and the premises were immediately closed.

“On Wednesday, October 11, Walsall Council officers attended Dudley Magistrates Court where this evidence was presented and the decision to close the premises was confirmed.

“The Magistrates issued a full Emergency Hygiene Prohibition Order requiring the premises remain closed until environmental health officers are satisfied the health risk has been removed.”

David Elrington, regulatory services manager at Walsall Council, said, “Mice carry a range of bacteria that if passed to humans through their urine or droppings can cause serious illness.

“The duty of Environmental Health staff is to protect public health and wherever circumstances are found that do not meet the required standards robust action will be taken to prevent the spread of disease.”

It is not the first time mouse droppings have been found at the shop.

In 2015 it was shut down in similar circumstances in June that year due to what the council described as a ‘serious infestation’.


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