The CBD System


‘Your Environment is your Gym and the Personal Trainer is you’

Corey B Donoghue is a former professional footballer and a highly sought after tutor and coach for The Football Association in addition to a QA and Safeguarding Children Regional Lead. Currently Brazilian Jiu Jitsu European Champion, he has been seriously training, learning and teaching within the world of sport since the age of 12. 


In this month’s column he shares with us his revolutionary Health, Wellness and Fitness System which will improve, “all of YOU (Mentally, Emotionally, Physically and Spiritually)”. This evolution is the CREATIVE BODY DYNAMICS (CBD) System.

“I truthfully and humbly believe that the CBD System is both unique and special because it is a ‘Complete System’. It is an extensive collection of real concrete knowledge and tips which came about through my years of lessons, mentorships and the experiences gained from my own personal training and journey of discovery”.


The CBD System will focus on the foods and physical training elements of ‘Eradicating Excess Fat’, as well as maintaining or putting on weight. More importantly however, it will create, develop and enhance your dominant inner feelings, emotions, self-belief and mental focus, in order for you to finally experience and own the super, sexy, healthy and fit you have always desired.  

You will learn about the following 6 pillars and how to gain the best benefits from implementing them into your life:


1.      Persistent Self-Belief

2.      Positive and Supportive Lifestyle

3.      Aerobic and Anaerobic workouts

4.      Strength Training

5.      Flexibility

6.      Rest and Recovery


“You will be amazed at how simple it all is when you know how. You don’t know what you don’t know”. The truth is certainly in results as Corey states, “I have personally trained professional elite athletes, friends, family members, fitness coaches and personal trainers where they have all experienced amazing results and gained priceless information to help make them better at what they do and how they want to be”.


The CBD motto is simple, “Your environment is your gym and the personal trainer is you”. Each workout within the CBD system is designed for you to complete in the comfort of your own home or whatever environment you are in.


‘Creativity’ and the element of ‘Fun’ are fundamental to the CBD System as Corey mentions, “Being creative is the key to adventure, excitement, variety and growth. It stops your workouts, meals, thought process, emotions, feelings and (ultimately) your journey from becoming boring and stale. Your CBD System is based around YOUR creative nature being guided, enhanced, nurtured and then set free”.     


Kym Elder is one of the hundreds of CBD users who began her journey 20 weeks ago, and is amazed with her results. “20 weeks ago I was fed up of being sick and tired of being overweight and said enough is enough! The CBD System has given me the right mind-set to do exercise everyday as well as eating more healthily. Cutting out wheat and dairy was not that difficult to do. I’ve always hated gyms as I get bored easily, but the variety of exercises in the CBD System keeps me going. I’m probably the fittest and slimmest I’ve been since my early twenties and I feel amazing because of it. This in turn makes me feel really confident in other aspects of my life too. I’ve eradicated a stone in weight and have dropped a few dress sizes too. I’d highly recommend the CBD System to anyone!”

I am also a CBD System user and have personally seen huge health benefits from taking out wheat and dairy from my diet. Corey is a vegetarian and so am I, which is why I have found the system brilliant in detailing a variety of foods that will provide me with the nutrition that I need to have a fit, healthy and sexy body, in addition to a change in mind-set. I am so much more positive and feel this positive energy has impacted my life hugely. If you want a system that focuses on your mind and soul as well as your body, The CBD System is for YOU.


This system is very personal to Corey and once you embark upon your CBD journey, you will not be left alone. This will be your joint journey together.


“I will be behind you to catch you during the times when you may struggle, stumble or fall. I will be beside you to offer you a shoulder and arm to lean on during the times when you feel you want to give up. And I will be in front of you to lead the way and to be (what my great friend David calls) a shining ‘Beacon of light’ when you may have momentarily lost your way and your passion to continue may have waivered. I will help you to see that everything you desire is just around the corner”.


Not only has The CBD System proven to work over and over again, it comes with a 60 day money back guarantee and is currently on sale! Are YOU ready to CHANGE? 


For further information please visit:

Twitter: @Cbd_System 


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