A Point of Light


Dr Na’eem Given Prestigious Award


A London based doctor has been awarded the Prime Minister’s Point of Light Award for a dedicated service in the medical industry. The Points of Light award recognises outstanding individuals – people who are making a change in their community and inspiring others.


Dr Na’eem Ahmed is a medical doctor who has long enjoyed using his medical training as a volunteer. As a student he set up a network of undergraduate doctors to act as ambassadors for public health education programmes across London, before creating opportunities for medical students to volunteer in Bangladesh. He also set up the Selfless website which allows people to register their professional skills and be matched to volunteering opportunities – a concept he calls “skillanthropy”.


In a statement, Dr Na’eem said, “I feel incredibly fortunate to have achieved these positions and to be in a profession where I can lead change and improvement to communities that are in need. The driving force behind my work has been my father, who immigrated to England as a young boy from Bangladesh, he reminded us of our responsibilities to help others and to always remain grateful. My achievements are not unique, this award is dedicated to the many hard-working parents whose efforts have given their children the opportunity to flourish and give back to society. It’s the Selfless cycle of change.”


Whilst Prime Minister David Cameron said, “Volunteering is a popular New Year’s resolution and using your professional skills is a great way to make a contribution. Dr Ahmed is a fantastic what a difference one person can make, and, by setting up a Selfless website, he’s making it really easy for other people to find opportunities to get involved too. I am delighted to make Na’eem a Point of Light.”


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