Coronation Tweet!

Soap Actor Marc Anwar sacked for offensive tweets about India

Marc Anwar

Coronation Street actor Marc Anwar has been fired over a twitter rant in which he insulted India over the Kashmir attacks. Police have launched an investigation into the incident involving the Pakistani born actor.

Greater Manchester Police stated that on the September 25th they received reports of a hate crime and inquiries are since ongoing.

The tweets were following the Kasmir attacks in which he was seen to blame India:

“Why the F***k do #pakistaniartists want work in #f*** face #india, do you love money so much”

“Ban #india movies in #PakistanisLeaveIndia. B*****ds p**s drinking #c**ts”

“F***ing #indians killing our #Kashmir brothers and sisters #NawazSharif still sucking #modi Lul!”

Anwar has since apologised profusely stating his words were said in a “moment of madness”. The actor released a video apologising for the tweets and explaining his motivation behind them.

“I would like to offer my sincerest apologies to anyone that I may have offended with my tweets on Friday evening and especially people from India,” he said.

“This was never my intention and the language was unacceptable. I feel that I have let a lot of people down, my family, my friends and my former colleagues.”

“On Friday evening I saw, on the news, children being pulled out of rubble, people being pelted with pellets, women mourning their dead in Kashmir.

“This upset me very deeply and in a moment of madness I ranted out. I vented my anger.

“Again, the language that I used, I sincerely apologise for. But my feelings were very sincere for the people of Kashmir. And I hope that everyone that I have offended can find it in their hearts to forgive me.”

A spokesperson for ITV said the actor would not be returning to the show with immediate effect after tense discussions.


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