Solihull College & University Centre Opens Doors For Adult & University Learners


Whether you’re looking to study part-time or full-time, for fun or for a change of career, Solihull College & University has a number of courses suitable for all.

The College has a variety of courses for learners at a variety of levels, including university level qualifications and you can visit both campuses in June to find out what is on offer at the College.

The university courses are in partnership with universities across the region including Birmingham City University, Newman University, Oxford Brookes University, Coventry University and the University of Warwick.
The courses include a range of levels and subjects from Business to Engineering to Youth & Community Work.

The College also offers a number of adult courses which include both professional qualifications such as marketing and accounting to courses such as counselling and photography. As well as this there are a whole range of Community Education courses on offer across both campuses at the College. These courses include sign language, cake decorating, languages and many others.

On Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th June Solihull College & University Centre will be welcoming those interested in studying to both of their campuses; 14th June will be held at the Blossomfield Campus in Solihull between 5pm-8pm and the 15th June held at the Woodlands Campus in Smith’s Wood between 4pm-8pm.

On both evenings tutors will be available to offer help and guidance on the wide range of courses on offer at the College, answering questions from those interested. Visitors will also be able to learn about the exciting opportunities that will be available to them both whilst studying and afterwards.

As well as tutors from the respective course areas there will be careers advisers and representatives from student finance on hand to give advice as well as an enrolment team for those wishing to enrol onto a part-time course.

For more information on the subject areas that will be present at each evening or to register for the event visit or call 0121 678 7000.


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