New Year: New You!

Fitness expert Dal Dhaliwal shares her top tips for the new year


Every New Year many of us make resolutions to lose weight or to embark on a health and fitness journey. However, often many of us will break these resolutions. So this year let’s stop the cycle and try to stick to our resolution. Here are my top tips to help you stick to your New Year resolutions: 

 Set a clear goal Set yourself a goal – whether you want to build muscle lose, weight, or just feel better, you must have a general idea of what you want to achieve. Once you have set a goal, plan on how you are going to achieve this goal. One option is to hire the service of a professional fitness trainer to set you an exercise and nutrition plan. Without a detailed plan you are more likely to be guessing and it’s more likely you will go back to previous exercise and eating habits.

 Set goals that are realistic and achievable Be realistic about your goals. If you set yourself unrealistic unattainable goals then you will be setting yourself up for failure. Make some basic changes and alterations to your lifestyle – this way you are more likely to stick to your goals.  E.g. Make changes with what you eat; if you usually skip breakfast then start eating a protein based breakfast or if you don’t drink enough water then start drinking water more often.

 Have a timeframe With every goal you set have a time frame and limit. Set short and long term goals. For example if your goal is to lose weight then set a date and how much weight you want to lose by that date. Keep it realistic  – it’s better to take your time to lose weight and keep it off and manage it –  rather than lose it fast by going on a ‘faddy / crash diet’  and then put it all back on. Remember to track your progress – note down how much weight / inches you have lost weekly or monthly.

 Have a friend hold you accountable Having someone to train with can keep you motivated and you can actually motivate each other – this can be a friend, relative, or personal trainer—who will make sure you stick to the plan. This will motivate you to have an exercise schedule and stick to the planned workout appointments. Your workout partner can be someone who you can turn to when you need advice a sympathetic ear when you feel guilty for eating a bucket of KFC or skipping a day of working out.

 Reward yourself  Once you reach your set goals reward yourself. This doesn’t mean eat junk food or a box of chocolates. Instead, celebrate your success by treating yourself to something you enjoy that doesn’t contradict your resolution e.g. you could reward yourself with new fitness clothing or a beauty / spa treatment.

 Be patient You won’t achieve your goals overnight. Be patient with yourself and don’t set yourself unrealistic goals i.e. to exercise every day, twice a day!  Every so often give your body a rest. Don’t get discouraged with slow progress or setbacks. You will see results if you keep yourself focused. It won’t happen overnight, so be persistent and patient – plan and prepare and be consistent!



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