Ending the Fear on Violence Against Women


Police Urge People to Pledge their Commitment

Greater Manchester Police is urging people to pledge their commitment to end violence against women. It comes as the world marks International ‘White Ribbon Day’ which aims to eliminate violence against women. Police officers and staff from Greater Manchester Police have been filming themselves pledging never to commit, condone or remain silent about violence against men and women in all its forms.


Figures show that between 1 April and 31 October 2014 there were 11,675 calls made to police about domestic abuse, compared to 8,439 during the same period the previous year – a 38 per cent increase. Detective Chief Superintendent Vanessa Jardine from GMP’s Public Protection Division, said: “We know not all relationships involve abuse, but it does exist and many are so accustomed to it that the issue gets ignored and disregarded.


“The pledges that have been made by our officers highlight our commitment to end the fear against domestic abuse. Tackling it is an absolute priority for us and it is crucial that we speak out against violence against women and men. “Today’s activity is just another element to our on-going work to see that offenders are brought to justice.


“Last week we launched our new campaign to encourage those victims of domestic abuse and their families and friends to find the courage to report it and help end the fear.“Domestic abuse remains a hidden crime and much of what happens is carried out behind closed doors. The pledges have been made by frontline staff who witness the abuse experienced by women and often men each day, and so understand the seriousness of the issue and how this campaign can empower people to come forward.


“International White Ribbon Day is a global response to domestic abuse, and shows people that they are not alone, and they can survive this. There are support services out there that can and will help.” An average one in four women and one in six men will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime. The types of abuse span from physical, emotional, sexual and financial abuse. For many victims it can go unreported for a number of years before any action is ever taken.


For every 100 domestic abuse crimes recorded officers at GMP make 72 arrests.  Eighty-one per cent of all cases that go to court result in a conviction.


GMP has a number of trained and experienced specialist domestic abuse investigators to give advice on dealing with all kinds of abuse. There are further details of support services and advice on leaving an abuser and information on the action taken by police when an incident of domestic abuse is reported on the GMP website www.gmp.police.uk/domesticabuse.


Detective Chief Superintendent Jardine added: “My advice to domestic abuse victims is to please report the crime to police as we take all reports seriously. This is a terrible crime but we do know that not everyone is ready to report it.

“The most important step is to get away from the abusive relationship, whether it is through the police or with another agency’s support.”


Tony Lloyd, Police and Crime Commissioner for Greater Manchester, said: “Of course not all men are violent, and it’s not only women who are victims. But White Ribbon Day gives men the perfect opportunity to speak out against violence against women and girls, in all its forms.


“Domestic violence is a top priority for me. I have been working closely with victims and survivors of domestic violence, police and other partners for a long time now to tackle this issue but there is still more to be done and a long way to go.


“The roll-out of Clare’s Law and domestic abuse specialists working in hospital A&E departments are examples of how police, councils, health and voluntary agencies are working together to support victims and prevent abuse. I will continue to do everything in my power to continue developing such initiatives and reassure victims that help is out there.”


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