Raising Funds for Blind Children


Idris Mansoor to take part in London Marathon

A big-hearted athlete from West Yorkshire is hoping to raise funds for a good cause by taking part in the 2015 London Marathon.


Idris Mansoor, 40, from Dewsbury in Kirklees will join scores of runners on April 26 to help swell the coffers of Visually Impaired Children Taking Action, or VICTA, a charity that supports blind and partially-sighted children, young people and their families across the UK. Idris, pictured, has already hit his fundraising target but is keen to go the extra mile. We all need to debit good deeds, this is one of mine â€œ said Idris, whose ancestral roots lie in Gujarat, India. He added: I’m hugely grateful to everyone who has sponsored me so far.


Asked what prompted him to participate, I love to challenge myself, push the boundaries of the human body and see what it is capable of. Plus I want to beat my last year’s time of 3 hours 52 seconds. The 2015 London Marathon is a grueling 26 miles 385 yards long. When asked about his goals in life, be healthy, be happy and raise money for good causes,smiled Idris. Anyone wishing to support Idris should visit www.UK.virginmoneygiving.com/idrismansoor


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